Snappy Checkout
I'm Mike Singer, the founder & developer of Snappy Checkout. I'm here to help if you have any questions. Feel free to email me anytime.
The Snappy Checkout API offers a basic set of calls to manage payments and subscriptions. Calls must be made via an HTTP POST request to JSON will be returned in all HTTP POST responses. All values must be HTML encoded in HTTP POST requests. For example, "[email protected]" must be encoded as "john%40aol%2Ecom".
Error Messages
When an API method fails, the response will return a success of "false". Also, the error_code will indicate what failed.

The following error codes can be returned:

  • invalid_method: The called API method does not exist.
  • invalid_parameters: An invalid key-value pair was passed in the HTTP POST request.
  • invalid_key: An invalid Snappy Checkout API key was passed in the HTTP POST request. Check the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin to verify that you're using the correct API key.
  • api_error: An error occurred within the Snappy Checkout API. Contact [email protected] if you need help resolving this issue.

Example response showing that an invalid API method was called:

Call this method to get a list of all products.

Required key-value pairs:

  • Method: The name of the API method to call. The value must be "GetProducts".
  • Key: Your Snappy Checkout API key. You can find your API key in the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You should never expose your API key in any public website's client-side code or anywhere else where it can be publicly viewed.

Example HTTP POST request to retrieve a list of all products:


Example response:

{"success":true,"result":[{"id":"123TESTPRODUCTPFP27", "name":"Product Name", "nickname":"Product Nickname", "description":"Product Description"}]}
Call this method to get the quantity available for products that have a limited quantity.

Required key-value pairs:

  • Method: The name of the API method to call. The value must be "GetProductQuantity".
  • Key: Your Snappy Checkout API key. You can find your API key in the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You should never expose your API key in any public website's client-side code or anywhere else where it can be publicly viewed.
  • Id: The id of the product from the "Products" section of your Snappy Checkout account. Separate multiple product ids with a comma.

Example HTTP POST request to retrieve a product quantity:


Example response:

{"success":true,"result":[{"id":"123TESTPRODUCTPFP27", "count":5}]}
Call this method to verify that a payment exists in your Snappy Checkout account. This is most commonly used to verify a payment after receiving a Snappy Checkout "Payment Received URL" webhook.

Required key-value pairs:

  • Method: The name of the API method to call. The value must be "ValidatePayment".
  • Key: Your Snappy Checkout API key. You can find your API key in the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You should never expose your API key in any public website's client-side code or anywhere else where it can be publicly viewed.
  • Id: The unique payment id that is generated by Stripe/PayPal. This is the "PaymentId" value that is passed by the Snappy Checkout "Payment Received URL" webhook.
  • Email: The customer's email address. This is the "CustomerEmail" value that is passed by the Snappy Checkout "Payment Received URL" webhook.

Optional key-value pairs:

  • Amount: The amount of the item purchased. This is the "PaymentTotal" value that is passed by the Snappy Checkout "Payment Received URL" webhook.

Example HTTP POST request to check if a payment exists:


Example response showing the payment does exist:


Example response showing the payment does not exist:

Call this method to verify that a subscription exists for the passed product id and customer email address.

Required key-value pairs:

  • Method: The name of the API method to call. The value must be "ValidateSubscription".
  • Key: Your Snappy Checkout API key. You can find your API key in the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You should never expose your API key in any public website's client-side code or anywhere else where it can be publicly viewed.
  • Id: The subscription product id. When adding a product in the Products section of the Snappy Checkout admin, this is the value in the "Product ID" text box.
  • Email: The customer's email address.

Example HTTP POST request to check if a subscription exists:


Example response showing the subscription does exist:


Example response showing the subscription does not exist:

Call this method to cancel an existing subscription.

Required key-value pairs:

  • Method: The name of the API method to call. The value must be "CancelSubscription".
  • Key: Your Snappy Checkout API key. You can find your API key in the Account --> API section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You should never expose your API key in any public website's client-side code or anywhere else where it can be publicly viewed.
  • Id: The subscription product id. When adding a product in the Products section of the Snappy Checkout admin, this is the value in the "Product ID" text box.
  • Email: The customer's email address.

Example HTTP POST request to cancel a subscription:


Example response showing the subscription was cancelled:


Example response showing the subscription could not be cancelled:

© Snappy Checkout
[email protected]