Snappy Checkout
I'm Mike Singer, the founder & developer of Snappy Checkout. I'm here to help if you have any questions. Feel free to email me anytime.
Creating Coupons
Coupons can be created in the Coupons section of the Snappy Checkout admin. You can customize each coupon by:

  • Setting the specific coupon code customers will use to apply the coupon
  • Setting the number of times a coupon can be used (unlimited or a set quantity)
  • Setting the amount of money that must be spent before the coupon can be applied
  • Choosing which products the customer must buy in order to use the coupon
  • Setting the date and time the coupon will expire
Using A Coupon
If you'd like to send a coupon code directly to a customer or offer it to all customers (like in a newsletter), you can append the coupon code to the URL of the webpage where your checkout is located. For example:

Or, like this if there are other parameters in the URL:

If you enable the Show coupon code field setting in the Settings --> Checkout section of the Snappy Checkout admin, your customers will also be able to manually enter the coupon code in your checkouts.
© Snappy Checkout
[email protected]